Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Reviews from issue 3 of Witch Kunt.


robert turman / aaron dilloway 'split' tape. hanson.

tape manipulation and rearrangement that is both creepy and campy. dont let the absurdity put you off though because robert turman has created a disturbing yet smoothly executed collage of old supsense film music conversation and a haunted stale breeze to tie it all together. very bad dream like in the best possible way. aaron dilloway's side is a great piece of degenerative racket with starving pigs feasting on a drum line in katmandu and then the black fog rolls in and starts eating away at your trailer park leaving only a crumbling skeleton of white trash industry and innovation then the credits roll. fun tape with lots of twists and turns.


teeth collection 'self titled' 3inch. FTAM.

deep dark cavernous and cold wanderings. extremely bleak and staring right through you until there isn't anything left except oblivion. this is the sound of bad luck setting in and your life turning that unecessary corner where everything becomes hopeless.


captivity 'addendum' 3inch. FTAM.

two man outfit creating a powerful epic dreamscape. drums guitars and some non distracting noises coming together in a reflective and contemplative outing.  lush and intriguing chapters that show the possibilities of music by actually exploring sound as it relates to mood on the three pieces presented here. hypnotic rock and noise for the pill poppers pot heads and cough syrup afficionados. fantastic work from a band that i must hear more of. a full length release would benefit this band greatly.


rape-x 'false' cd. at war with false noise.

i put this disc on with some high expectations. pretty much everything that i have ever heard from this label is brutal as fuck. this is a p.e. styled attack that at first listen kind of had me bummed out and thinking it was kind of dumb. now i think im hooked on it since this is about the fourth or fifth time ive spun this disc. this dude is pissed off and dont give a fuck what you think. he also doesn't use the noise as a cage  to hide behind but as a very tense weapon to further his fucked up rants of violence and depravity. some extended noise sections keep things multi faceted and moving along. if you dig gettin yelled at while power tools operate in some bitch's crotch then this is for you. brutal caustic and mean spirited as all p.e. should be. take me to the crackhouse.


ghast / rape-x 'split' cd. obskure sombre records.

you are dead and in hell. ghast lulls you to endless slumber with deep and deadly tones. no hope no escape no choice. on their second track they bring out the doom and gloom with some drum machine and evil intentions. ghast has some work ahead of them and if they can somehow bring their atmospherics and their doom closer together they could become big time players in the gloom sweepstakes. rape-x spits in your fucking face and taunts society just because he can. p.e. hatred done right. when it comes to genres i generally dont go for the p.e. stuff but rape-x manages to drive a knife through my head so that the wind can rush through. this dude is the new public enemy number one. lock the man up before he takes his rage out on someone for real.



grasslung / pulse emitter 'split' cd. phaser prone.

the 3 tracks on this split cd are the exact thing i long for in experimental music. much like painting it oftentimes isn't what you put on the canvas but what you leave out. two highly skilled synth masters working with their own expansive and seemingly universal canvas. both artists know how to fill the space without cluttering it up with nonsense. the negative space in the 3 pieces here is almost as crucial as the sounds that they lay down. pure listening pleasure. 2 of the genres absolute best on this must have split. oblivion never sounded so beautiful. perfection of the highest order. 


wire werewolves 'bloodletting promotional demo 07' cd.

from out of the fog comes 2 frostbitten vampires. 2 piece drum machine propelled black death metal. plenty of coffin pounding blasts along with the death metal breakdowns and double bass throbbing underneath keeps everything moving along. fucking grim screams from off in the distance beckon you to take a piss within the pentagram. the necrotic tones courtesy of hive mind only enhance the power of the gloomy magik being unleashed. take a drink from the chalice and wash down your pills fucker for you are eternally doomed. will rahmer cries as he is beheaded. satan is pleased once more. 


 warmth 'original warmth' cd. turgid animal.

this is what will be playing in your head as you leave your body. equal parts nightmarish and spiritual. this duo manages to create such incredibly ominous and beautiful soundscapes that it is almost unbelievable that this was created by humans at all. beyond 'noise' beyond music. the compositions on here are masterful and otherworldly. this is a rewarding listen that exemplifies what art is capable of.


N 'life' cd. dumpster score recordings.

the itallians know a thing or two about noise no doubt about it. this release is no exception whatsoever. crunchy crumbly drones and fucked up ambient torture. sounds clashing with each other and competing for your ear. some really withered and dredged out bottom end that drags you about like a piece of nothing. keyboard tones that howl in your ear before you get hit over the head with a thorough mess of shit. dive in a your own peril and come face to face with ambient's mongoloid twin. get ready to take your hearing test pizza face.


murder book 'misery collection' cdr. turgid animal.

black and greyish murky drones and tones from britain's own noise specialist george proctor. so unassuming that you easily get lured in and then slowly ground up into a fine powder when you least expect it. a foggy steamroller of pure evil. this disc is an extremely long and numbing journey that will most assuredly fuck your life up. 


murder book 'sozguv' tape. turgid animal.

another grimey chapter of true death under mysterious circumstances. despite this tape only being one sided it is still some of the most engaging sounds i have ever heard. totally thick and disgusting. hate yourself. drop fucking dead. leave a note for mom saying that she should blame herself and murder book.


rei rea 'kiloton assault' cdr. slut factory records.

lazy half dead drum machine sounds and some guitar drone and hum. feedback here. little bit of noise there. not exactly certain of what this project is driving at seeing as how there is some conflicting styles. in spite of that there are some definite worthy moments on here. track four features the most fearsome guitar tone ive ever heard. earth and burzum are the first bands that came to mind whilst listening. dont know what the fuck that means but hey. get this for track four alone.


baby daddy 'hungry hungry nipple' cdr. slut factory records.

harsh noise assault. static laden mess with an undercurrent of drowsy pilled out rumble. alot of squealin beeps blips and gas leaks but this disc is fully dominated by the thick rattle of pedals taking black tar dumps in your ears. you like to get shit on by noise then here you go. no earth shattering noise revelations here but solid nonetheless.


iron bitchface 'righteous muscles' cdr. slut factory records.

what the fuck is this? drum machine. samples. keyboard stuff. hissy static. really bad vocals. then at the 6 minute mark they kick you in the balls. iron bitchface is going to go down in history as one of the best of the worst. one track that is eleven minutes long. run the gauntlet of stupidity. fucking weirdos.


vomir 'proanomie' cd/cdr. at war with false noise.

france's most deadly assassin of noise unloads this monstrosity of nothingness. 2 discs. 2 tracks. no titles. no weakness. total oblivion. here is an artist that truly embodies the dead corpse of harsh wall noise. this is unanimated and lifeless. this is the audio version of a coma. a must have masterpiece that will leave you in a dilapidated heap.


oubliette 'collection: volume one' cdr. nurse tapes.

17 tracks of destitute tape manipulation machine fuckery field recordings and feedback all done without the use of digital equipment. if you are a fan of oubliette's bad dream piss the bed deranged schizophrenic cut and paste style then this collection is a brutal yet necessary piece to the puzzle. the early stuff on display here in all of its howling chopped up blood splattered b-movie glory. totally punishing southern insanity.

 murder book 'revenge initiation' tape. turgid animal.

very few artists dig as low as george proctor when it comes to dredging up the most oppressive drones. take a fat hit off the smouldering cloud of nerve gas. this is hell. this is nothingness. get erased by your own anxiety.


murder book / the rita 'split' tape. turgid animal.

on the a side you get more soul evaporating and mentally taxing thickness that just rolls over you slowly. and on the b side you get the total harsh burial courtesy of the rita. two great illnesses that go great together. get fucking sick. no mercy here.


hive mind 'eidolic & opaque' tape. tone filth.

hollow claustrophobic drones that will smother you into nothing. let it be known that in the cut throat world of noise hive mind keeps his blade sharp. this is an essential dose of audio dope. share your wash with a friend and fall apart.


regosphere 'thorn in my side' tape. turgid animal italian division.

one of portland's most dynamic artists. very anxious sounding mid range tone with a dog frequency on the top while a rhythmic pulse lasers its way in and out of the foundation. on the flip you get a paper slicer decapitating the heads off of ghosts while a crowd stands by gasping in shock. regosphere just keeps getting better with each new release.


the fit 'self titled' recycled tape. dumpster score.

the speakers were blown out and the mic was hot when this experiment was put together. first off there is a thrash metal type song on here that just does not fit with the rest of the material so i will just pretend it wasn't on here at all. a ramshackle 'band' some guitar drones and feeds.some drums here and there. alot of looped noise. the static is thick. the feedback is ever present and always threatening to spill out like a hot shit. this tape is a fucking mess. id say this is a so so release. lets see what this one man band comes up with next. some good material on here just not enough of it.  


david payne 'feedback #47' tape. poor little music.

one of ontario's more prolific artists deliver's this lo fi and low key outing. several segments of incognito sounds ranging from upper frequency blurts and waves to some lower hums and buzzes. deep into the b-side you get some musical experimentation ala smegma and some hip hop fuckery as well. ever present is the background hiss of air in the room. things are stagnant in a pleasant way. i appreciate the idea that people can just do things just to do them with little regard to what is currently in fashion. this is a patchwork of sound that will make your smoke out sessions all the more enjoyable. someone opens a door during the recording of this tape i swear.


autoerotic asphyxiation / rob michalchuk 'split' tape. poor little music.

the sound you hear while spending a night alone in the woods. autoerotic asphyxiation does an amazing job of building up an intense sort of anxiety ridden thickness that maintains atmosphere and inpenetrable darkness. this is the very definition of black noise especially when the anguished yet enraged vokills rise from the fog. rob michalchuk's side also conjures up a thick heaving mass of sound that is thoroughly grim. his use of vokills is more buried beneath the rubble but no less deadly. this cassette comes with my highest recommendations for its blackened gloom. totally killer.


mike khoury & will soderberg 'vol. v: zombie broadcast system' tape. poor little music.

this collaboration has interesting moments. unfortunately as time goes on i have less sympathy for beeps blips and what i term star trek noise.  this cassette does have moments of total genius but it lacks focus. the use of violin especially during the less blippy moments is fantastic as it wheezes and lazily creeps in and out of frame. when things stray outside of the ordered areas im unimpressed. however there is some great music to be heard on here. im requesting a more focused outing for next time though. this should be easy to pull off since the talent is easily apparent.


i died 'hellacious argument' tape. poor little music.

more and more im coming to the conclusion that you just can't go wrong with anything from i died. this has some of his most disturbing stuff to date. there is vocalizing on the b side that is so distressed and trapped under a layer of ice or dirt that it bugs me. totally suffocated and losing hope. i died continues on his own personal noise journey. onward into oblivion my friend.


ferveur noire 'collection' cd. breathing problem productions.

a full on direct dose of some very troubled and dark noise from the grim lands of texas. harsh and unyielding yet has moments of quiet lurching death creeping under the sheets and into her panties. some monstrous wall action peppered with some hateful pedal abuse. serious crumble with collapsed veins of morose tones running throughout the wasteland of her slowly decaying morality. excellent collection. simple yet effective packaging. you need this.


various artists 'zelphabet' cd.

damion romero. daniel menche. and dave phillips need i say anymore? i mean really. top shelf artists with some top notch material. romero is the late night cruiser on his track of bottom scraping drone. menche starts off quiet and then you get to experience his blood pressure rising in a dramatic way. the phillips track is the odd ball of the three. strangely interesting and mostly quiet with some blasts and crumblers and slaps to the ass with a plywood board. an ongoing compilation series that is worth diving into head first.


rubbish / v.d.v.zh [fucked in the ass] 'murderers of music' tape.

a really really long tape here. perhaps im too fickle but there is a fine line that can be drawn between just right and too much. certainly there are artists who can keep things engaging over an extended period of time. there are others however that do not and they should stick to shorter formats.  if this had been edited down to a shorter cassette you would be able to fully take in the audio wreckage that both artists display.  how do both artists rate? quite high. this tape is harsh pulverizing sonic hatred. holy fuck is this ever a long tape though. holy shit.


an innocent young throat cutter 'body count' tape. narcolepsia.

richard ramirez and isabella k. dish out a hailstorm of abuse. totally suffocating and enveloping harshness that communicates almost unreasonable hatred. the pillow is over your face and the pressure is on. breathe your last and just give up. your corpse will be found in the morning lifeless and reeking of piss.


N 'smash my brain i can't tolerate' tape. narcolepsia.

itallian artist N buries you under a shifting avalanche of scrambled feedback and desecrated loops. total brown noise that goes from eerily subdued to up in your business with all the greasy dago depravity intact all the while. get rubbed out and ruined by one of italy's finest.


the nevari butchers 'arms and everything else' tape. hanson.

despite the fact that there are five individuals in the ensemble the sounds are so understated that the number doesn't compute. this tape is deep in empty activity with settings changing every few minutes. meth zombies dragging scrap metal around. no conversation in the smoky pool hall. playing bongos while on heroin and buried alive. some thick yet hollow synth work drifting just below consciousness. other things taking place. what you get here isn't five people just going off it's five highly skilled musicians making seriously focused music. no clutter just quality.


chris riggs 'draco' tape. hanson.

dead battery sound. ultra draggy swamp tones. syrupy all throughout. the place smells like piss and cigarettes. recorded while the weed got all smoked up. the recordings here are so dry sounding that im getting thirsty for a swig of piss. crumple up the tape and let it rip boombox stylee.


aaron dilloway 'modern jester' tape. hanson.

more tape manipulation that kicks it off in close encounters fashion. we are taking over this coversation now. the ship never gets a word in edgewise. go watch the fucking movie if you dont know what im talking about. side b's grimy juice draining funk and stagger would really fuck up the cowlitz county gangsta population if you pulled up in the jack in the box parking lot blastin it out of your spark-o-matic. come hang out in longview if you dont know what im talking about. drive by doppler effect makes me think of cut grass and burnt ribs. dilloway strikes again. dig  deep vatos.


the sea donkeys 'hermetical archive cassette series 3' tape. enterruption.

some caroliner styled wackiness to be had here. some rather catchy upbeat tuneage and excursions that equal parts clever and stupid. highly experimental and weird for the most part. if i had heard this 20 years ago when i first heard caroliner and smegma i would have been hooked. cool stuff from some real wack jobs.


dead machines & the cherry point 'hermetical archive cassette series 3' tape. enterruption.

some intense crunchy blasts and crumbly whistles from the downtrodden. side two really gets fuckin raunchy though. holy crap. this split keeps a strong pimp hand. not entirely sure if this is a team up or a split as both sides keep it brutal but interesting with short interludes and reprieves. go put the bag over your head fool. monstrous.


head boggle 'hermetical archive cassette series 3' tape. enterruption.

im going down to the basement to smoke weed and make noise okay? first track sounds like it was recorded on accident. actually the whole thing sounds like it was recorded on accident. mysterious and intriguing.


broken penis orchestra 'hermetical archive cassette series 3' tape. enterruption.

you like smegma? you like listening to smegma while hanging out with anton lavey? you like drinking malt liquor from an infant's skull? cut and paste tape abuse. a whitmans sampler of noisy stuff that will most likely strike you right if you are on the right drugs.


taskmaster / the rita 'hermetical archive cassette series 3' tape. enterruption.

can you say brutal motherfucker? i knew you could but nothing is going to prepare you for the unholy and merciless burial you will recieve. two of canada's best doing separate tracks on side one and then a sick team up on side two. total wall worship in fucked tandem with complete crumpled annihilation. let the plagues commence. kiss daddy's dick one more time before you blow your own brains out. your life is nothing. here's the undisputable proof you no good walking heap of shit. 


knelt rote 'from without' lp. celestial gang.

from the meanstreets of portland oregon come's knelt rote. this brutal 4 man destruction unit is comprised of some of the biggest movers and shakers of both the noise and death/thrash crews. im not gonna list the projects these dudes have been involved in over the years simple because A. you probably already know and B. we dont got that kind of time. however this album is a everything that is right about brutal music. ripping hardcore beats, punishing blasts, rumbling bass, dread filled axework  that would have rick rozz pissing in his sweatpants, frantic growls and screams. the best part is the noise that gordon brings to the table is the icing on the cake. this album is vicious beyond measure with it's fragmented  and grimy gloom doom and total ass whipping brutality. this will make bands like pig destroyer throw their instruments away. fuck all brutal music except for knelt rote. this is art to drink beer to. down several pints and get fucking ruined.


silentist 's/t' lp. celestial gang.

grey dismal agonized and tortured. experimental jazz meets whirlwind black metal. these terms however do not mean anything nor reveal the truth that this album contains. the basement is now your tomb. there arent any catchy ways to describe the creepy feeling i have as i listen. archaic and drained of life and withered from a several hundred year journey from the tombs of eastern europe. one of the more unique albums and artists that i have ever heard. highly recommended for it's twisted beauty.  


josh lay 'asphyxiation worship' 7inch. black horizons.

i can safely say that without listening to this record that josh lay delivers the fucking goods plain and simple. however being an admirer of his work this record gets played and played and played again. thoroughly haunted spectral tones that will encircle you and blanket your mind with a frigid night time snowfall. nite lasts forever in kentucky. josh lay commands the darkness to strangle you on the sick a side. the b side is equally intense and disturbing. it is unacceptable to me that you don't already have this in your collection. get with it.


Mutant Ape/Lolita Vibrator Torture - Split C-40 (turgid animal uk #???)

pretty decent over all,MUTANT APE rules,lots of rough & tough noises as usual from this hairy ape,LxVxTx is an asian fixated freak,sounds like bad asian u15 porno heard through the stabbed ears of a dying italian tourist some may not like this style but wicked and nasty it is,i like his sounds even if some stolen and mangled beats make it through but not so much here,solid release about child abuse with cover art by amazing TISBOR[rubbish]


(dsr001)The Vomit Arsonist - Reciprocation cd-r

this guy is the future buy all his releases! he is brutal in all ways,classic b/w cover art,wicked ripped up vocals the way i like,deep bass rumbles and snake like hiss with hurtfull electronic slashings,lots of action,this is up there with the big name PE thugs,find this guy and deal with him [rubbish]


brethren - the chosen 10'' (FA-LP-029)

freak animal releases are always on the edge,this is at the edge and hanging nooses over it,the politics will offend most zombie clones,the sounds are quality strong electronics,mean and vicious,the vocals i am not as fond of as the more mangled variety but brethren has a message and he wants you to hear will or else,angry and serious hate sounds not for the weak or common slave [rubbish]


 DEATHKEY & 88MM - Total War / None Of You Left 12" (FLAME45 the anja offensive)

yes the DEATHKEY,if you dont know of him you will or else,this is excellent and will kill you fucking dead,dont care if you hate the ideology this sounds like no other PE/Noise around,all around the sonics mutilate all,Daemon is scary and not for the faint of heart or weak willed,Totus Vigilo Malum Oculus Pt.2 is a destroyer,i want to kill,the NON cover Total War sounds nothing like the original in a good way it is a brutality,88mm are manson/ATWA warriors but much more "laid back" then what i wanted even though i am in line with the ATWA message the sounds werent all the way for me but could grow on me given time good luck finding this its gone i do believe,i am awaiting DEATHKEY'S next attack with fire in my eyes and ready to eat you if i have to,KILL! [rubbish]


va - hated perversions cd (freak animal, 2008)

jesus fucking transexual raped christ,this is awesome,the whole thing sounds like a bloody knife weilding psycho creeping down your street,stabbing while fucking dogs and old ladies,you cant go wrong here Eleczema have my ears held tight and are my favorites on this sickness with two evil nasty tracks, the Bizarre Uproar track gets an arm up from me Sick Seed are militant and mean sounding HAIL!,Nicole 12 is why little kids are afraid of closets masterful and dominate,Dorchester Library these are the type of sounds i like,something bad happened and i hope its on video,lots more wrong minded power masters populate this document of perversion,a must own [rubbish]



all RH releases are packaged very nicely,quality DIY semipro,quick service,good trades,average prices and postage isnt a killer to/from mexico,a well rounded variety of noise type genres from actual music of sorts to the hardest core noise,my package was well packed no broken crap,support this label! [rubbish]


(rh021)THE NEW PARALLELOGRAMERS - Series Of Snakes 5" cdr

Music,very odd mix of metalish roboty guitars with drums,noise elements,and a few vocals the bass is mixed way to heavy in this release,it has this cardboard type sound that ruins the whole thing,thats too bad becasue with the right production this is something the "kids" would eat up...WARNING THIS IS MUSIC,NOT NOISE,great driving tunes if the mix wasnt fucked up [rubbish]


I DIED - Quantum Mines c20 (phages tapes 029)

first off good printing on insert (always remove tabs from tape!)

side A: MINOR DAMAGE TO THE UNCONSCIOUS the piano intro that gets viciously ripped into shreds like a book of cheap rolling papers that I DIED's cat got a hold of in a fit of hissing screaming feline angst and in the process knocks the tv over,the stereo,the lamp,his amp and pedals get pissed on,with bits of that harsh paper all over the place

side B: MINDLESS CALLIGRAPHY...storm like hiss and a watery ship out to sea element floating underneth it,the storm is braved as we hear this from the deck of the swamped, ship a kraken attacks,squealing hate eminates from its evil beak,water rushes below deck,the kraken feeds on the moaning sailors,the lone survivior writes his story in a mindless calligraphy and suddenly dies the next day [rubbish]


I DIED - Hellacious Argument c20? (poor little music 045)

bright yellow tape with no markings!!! but the tabs were removed!

side A: DREADED SENSES....why do i almost always get a nautical feeling with I DIED material,i dont know but i like it,this one has the sound of a large freighter attacked by an as yet un-named sea monster,it not the kraken,its more nebulous this time,could be a space alien or UFO,im not sure? I DIED would benefit greatly with a computer or better analog recorder,i feel i am missing some of the power of what he is doing,in fact i know i am! side B: Asleep In The Phosphorescent Cave...deeper sound,darker,more angry,it has its high parts but is glouriously mired in an evil blacklight cave of harsh reverb that contains this track,i am hearing vocals!,sounds like someone crying out in painfull confusion as they have nightmares in this dank cave I DIED created,MORE VOCALS!,i really like this track a lot,serious...i would like to hear more blatant unburied vocals in future I DIED releases,great job! [rubbish]



ron knows how to dub tapes,this tape is LOUD AS FUCK

I DIED is harsh and brutal but not complicated,the exact opposite of the man behind this i find it kind of odd that such a more or less mellow guy makes such sounds as these they are spaced out and off this planet,drowned forever in deep blue seas,covered and beaten by hot blowing sands,drenched and cold in constant PNW rains,lost in deep shadowed endless pine forests i like to think of I DIED as MERZBOW on a seriously heavy paranoid weed high

if you have never heard I DIED i would get this tape first its very much worth the small price my ears hurt...they died! [rubbish]


LABEL REVIEW: Monstres par Excès (roma italia)

very nice packaging from the well done stencils and printed cds to quality odd material inserts(printed plastic and similar),trade got here in a week in proper order,average prices,the sad thing is evil european postage limits my dealings with all euro Labels/artists,some of the cover images on the releases were fucking nasty,the sounds are all noise from sicko perverts,my kind of guys,support these latin noise throbs! [rubbish]


Cassa Ufficio Malattie Tropicali - L'Anno dei Mongoloidi [MPE8802, 2007, Mini-Cd]

recorded & video'd! live in shanghai china,a bunch of italian freaks and some chinese nutters this could more loud but the sound is great for a live video,not bad,not great,its ok

MR.LolitaVibratorTourture steals the show with his hideous cross dressing over all way too mellow,these guys could have wrecked the place,interesting first group performance and nice package [rubbish]


Torturing Nurse + Cassa Ufficio Malattie Tropicali - Songs for Zev Asher Before He's Dead 5" [monstres par exces 8801, 2007]

this is old i guess but its new to me,chinese terror and italian hate,the cover has a dead naked baby girl with a stick in her vagina,REAL PICTURE!,a couple small swaztikas,all printed on plastic,...yeah...ok...track one is a 30+ minute live track of what i assume is a collaboration of these two groups of sick noise fucks,the sound is muddy like it was recorded with a tape recorder in someones pocket,it is very loud but loud mud,then it moves on to four very very short tracks of screaming muddiness,the last track is 2+ minutes of similar muddy noise action,this would have been good if it wasnt so damn mud caked! [rubbish]


Soriah - Marakame 5" (Ruido Horrible 030)

a beautiful printed disc and amazing silver ink art work on tan cardboard package, one long 52 minute track very well recorded live,odd esoteric moanings,percusive meaderings,synths as an element like the wind with birds or the endless ground with mysterious plants and mounds of unknown origin,organic electronics meld perfectly with the hollow rhythmic & metalic clangs,slowly makes trails to hidden vistas only to lead you to yet other paths to even more strange desert areas in a peyote induced journey this is a soundtrack for a movie that never was and never will be mellow even at its more excited times,a very excellent work of hallucinogenic sonic knowledge all trippers,dreamers,soul  travlers,protoshamans,gypsy wizards,and spacemen need this fine disc EXCELLENT,not noise,not music,sacred sounds for the spirit [rubbish]



Engorged-Death Metal Attack 2

Not to be confused with the death metal band with the same name and some of the same members, Death Metal Attack 2 is the sequel to Death Metal Attack. Blurcore blazes past you only to break from time to time to give samples. Check out the opening for Sealed With A Clip, bizzaro sound collage of various talking heads re: Kip Kinkel. Olsen twin fucking, genetic predisposition to murder, stds unknown to man, heartless capitalism, and COOOOBBRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! [ferox]



This release fucking hates you. Unless you came expecting and wanting harsh wall distortion fuck with some scrap metal reverbing resonance. This crazy bastard rolls around in thumbtacks and wraps himself in barbed wire. You are looking at the Necro Butcher of noise, and this is a sonic deathmatch. Pray that your skull is thicker than this barrage of discordance. [ferox]


Cocknoose-Badmen, Butchers, and Bleeders

You don't know what punk is if you have never heard Cocknoose. This cd buzzes through your head like a chainsaw cutting through some dumbshit tourist who made a wrong turn. How many bands can spend an entire set spitting at the crowd and still leave them begging for more? How many bands can cover a GG ALLIN song and make it sound more menacing? Not many bands, but Cocknoose can. Cocknoose will make the average street punk nerd piss in his $90 strappy pants. Oooh how cute, you have zippers where you don't need them, nor will you ever need them! FUCK YOU, DIE! [ferox]


Atrax Morgue-Black Slaughter

I don't think it would be possible to make a cd with a deeper low end than this one. It comes close to the border of audible input. One more octave, and I wouldn't be able to review this because I couldn't hear it. It would just be a rumbling sensation in the gut. You would leave this cd on repeat for hours and wouldn't know. Until you shit your pants. Thank the Elder Gods for that one octave, or you would be walking around with shit in your pants right now. I'm assuming you have this somewhere, because it's a downright amazing release. If you don't have it, get it. But don't listen to it around friends, lest you shit your pant. [ferox]




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