Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reviews 08/25/2020

 3 bangers on offer here on this date folks.  Some intense listens to be sure and ones you may want in your collection.  Get on it. Cheers. Symptoms.

Sewer Election “Sex/Death” / Troniks

Well this one takes all of 2 seconds to go from zero to peel your face off.  This 3-track slab of pure sonic burial is exactly what one would expect.  There is an overriding current of blast that seems to rule the proceedings until you start detecting the dog whistles that lie beneath.  This first track definitely sets a violent tone with its dry, wrecked, and filthy currents. 

Track 2 is a slow burner at the start with its ominous hum which signals bad omens all around.  The build is slow and deliberate, with layers coming in and out of phase.  This is the sound of waking up after a drug induced abduction, morning sun peering through venetian blinds, dust and nicotine molecules floating in the stagnant air.  Dead heaving patterns and gloomy melodic strains slide in and then disappear suddenly, almost dream like.  This is an amazing piece as it builds tension and anticipation without revealing too much, a true study in control and texture.

The final track does not deal in subtleness as it gets right into the crumble and harsh thuggery.  Much like the first track, this composition is brutal, dark and forbidding.  However, there is detectable stirrings underneath the alcohol fueled jet blast.  This final piece is lengthy, spiteful and violent and will most assuredly fuck you up.

This is a very solid release and should be in your collection if you are a fan of the more brutal side of noise.  Sewer Election is laying down the heaviness on “Sex/Death” even in its more subdued moments.  This album is equal parts vicious and unsettling.  Highly recommended. 


The Cherry Point “Night of the Bloody Tapes” / Troniks

                I may or may not have reviewed this way back when in an old issue of Witch Kunt I cannot be entirely certain of that though.  However, rather than try and track that down I will simply revisit this piece of gut spilling gloom.  With the return of Troniks label comes a slew of reissued classics and “Night of the Bloody Tapes” is one of them.  Presented in a digipak format for the collector studs out there.  This album is a 4-track collection of works recorded from 2002 to 2005, mixed by John Wiese.

                While this disc lacks courtesies, it makes up for in pure unadulterated and unfiltered brute force.  There is no space in between the tracks which works well in what should be viewed as a non-stop throttling.  Every slasher film rolled into one violent package, no finesse, no hero to save the day.  Why reinvent the wheel when you can just slash the tires and then the throats of your victims just to listen to the sound of their dying.  Then, just as you are about to get ripped open from asshole to appetite, your assailant forgets about killing you and leaves.  Another Troniks classic that is available now, get it and get dead.


The Cherry Point “Misery Guts” / Phage Tapes

                Holy fucking shit brothers and sisters it is another banger from The Cherry Point which means another bad time for you and your hi-fi set up. Unlike the catatonic rave up “Night of the Bloody Tapes” this 2 track attack takes the electronic crunch to new heights by allowing those sizzling and bubbling undercurrents to take center stage and rip your goddamned balls off. 

                Track 1 is all over the map with scraping, crumbling, thrusting, decaying walls interspersed with cord glitches and feedback screams.  Track 2 starts off gentle but then takes you on a meth fueled ride through the not-so promised land.  Each composition is a snarling, busted up mess of filth.  As I have stated many times in the past, I love the when an artist can take you to that HNW zone but do just a pinch more with it.  Not sure what you call that other than carving out a few holes in it so you can stare through to see other atrocities.  By its conclusion, you have died on the vine, as you should.

                While there are only 2 tracks on here, these are 2 seriously damaged yet girthy rammings that will warrant repeat listening sessions.  This is one highly recommended disc that you know you probably need.  You want it ugly and all over the map, this is the one. This motherfucker ranks high for me, sick.  





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